The Ram of God’s Provision & Your Dreams
I hear the Lord saying to you that just when you thought that you were sacrificing your dream, God is breaking in with the rescue.
“And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, behind him was a ram, caught in a thicket by his horns. And Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called the name of that place, “The Lord will provide”; as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.””
Genesis 22:13-14 ESV
“And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, behind him was a ram, caught in a thicket by his horns. And Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called the name of that place, “The Lord will provide”; as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.””
Genesis 22:13-14 ESV
Just like Abraham thought he was sacrificing his dream/promise from the Lord you think you are on the verge of giving up yours. God is just happy with your obedience, so don’t let your dream from Him die. In the moment that Abraham thought he was killing his promise, God provided a way out. Right now many of you are at the end of your promise possibly happening and think it is about to die, but God had this planned out far in advance and your provision (ram) is coming to you right now.
Praise God and stay in a place of faith declaring your ram. Just as Abraham declared God would provide, start declaring God’s provision for your promise.
Praise God and stay in a place of faith declaring your ram. Just as Abraham declared God would provide, start declaring God’s provision for your promise.
As we were looking to buy a car last year my wife Holly had a vision from God of a “ram.” She knew it was God speaking of His provision that He was going to provide for the car we wanted. After purchasing our car at the dealership they submitted the paperwork for us at the dmv and our license plate would be mailed to us. We did not request our license plate to say anything because the dealership handled that paperwork with the dmv and when we got our license plate in the mail we were shocked by the fact that completely at random our Georgia dmv decided to put “Ram” on our license plate. We knew this was a confirmation from God that He spoke the word ram to us and it was a prophetic sign and declaration from God for the dmv to randomly put “ram” on our license plate. It was a prophetic sign of the fact that God will and does supernaturally provide His “Ram” of provision for our needs! We attached a picture of our license plate below the post.
This has happened two other times as well where my wife Holly had a vision from God of a ram and after seeing it God supernaturally provided in an incredible way. One of the other times Holly had the vision of the ram was when we were selling our house in South Carolina while we were living in Georgia. Holly had been praying asking for God’s favor to sell our home and God showed her a ram again. She knew it was a sign that God would supernaturally provide again by selling our house. Since God had shown Holly the ram two other times before this instance she knew that God was going to come through in a powerful way like He did before. After seeing the vision of the ram while praying for our house to sell it was not long after that when God gave my wife the specific date June 2nd which was a month from the time she was praying. When she heard June 2nd she knew this was going to be the day that God would bring the buyers for our home. Holly told myself and our real estate agent who was also a believer, that whoever contacts you on June 2nd they were going to be the buyer(s) of our house. Sure enough on June 2nd a couple contacted our real estate agent to request a showing and since God had prophetically spoken that date to Holly we knew they were the buyers. And sure enough they ended up buying our house, praise Jesus!
This has happened two other times as well where my wife Holly had a vision from God of a ram and after seeing it God supernaturally provided in an incredible way. One of the other times Holly had the vision of the ram was when we were selling our house in South Carolina while we were living in Georgia. Holly had been praying asking for God’s favor to sell our home and God showed her a ram again. She knew it was a sign that God would supernaturally provide again by selling our house. Since God had shown Holly the ram two other times before this instance she knew that God was going to come through in a powerful way like He did before. After seeing the vision of the ram while praying for our house to sell it was not long after that when God gave my wife the specific date June 2nd which was a month from the time she was praying. When she heard June 2nd she knew this was going to be the day that God would bring the buyers for our home. Holly told myself and our real estate agent who was also a believer, that whoever contacts you on June 2nd they were going to be the buyer(s) of our house. Sure enough on June 2nd a couple contacted our real estate agent to request a showing and since God had prophetically spoken that date to Holly we knew they were the buyers. And sure enough they ended up buying our house, praise Jesus!
I share these experiences to encourage you and to increase your faith for God’s ram of provision to manifest in your life. I pray that you would look to the Lord to meet all your needs and for His blessing upon your life. God wants to supply all your needs. God has a supernatural way of providing His ram of provision for every need that you have. I pray God begins to reveal to you His plans for provision in your life and that He would shower you with His goodness. God is releasing favor and provision to advance the vision that He put in your heart.
By: John & Holly Rotalsky
Wings of Fire International