The Love God Has for You
God spoke to me that He wants to fill hearts with His love. He wants to touch your heart in such a deep way that it transforms you. God wants to take you into a deeper understanding of the love He has for you. God is full and consumed with love for you! God wants to pour out His love upon your heart. God wants you to know that you are loved and accepted by Him. God wants to write a love letter on your heart. He wants to mark; pierce your heart with His love. God wants to write His name on your heart. God wants you to feel His love and your heart to be full of His love.
God loves you with an everlasting love. Everlasting love means, God’s love does not end, it lasts forever. God’s love for you is eternal and never-ending. It says in Jeremiah 31:3 “…I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” The love of God for you is stronger than any human love you have ever encountered. You were created for God’s love. You were created to know love itself, God. There is a longing inside of everyone’s heart to be loved and accepted and God wants to be the one who satisfies that longing. It says in 1 John 4:19, “we love each, because God first loved us.” We can love others because of God’s love for us. The greater understanding we have of the love of God, the greater ability we have to love others. God is inviting you to feel His love for you. I encourage you if you have not already, open your heart to receive God’s love and His acceptance of you. No matter how many times you have sinned, messed up or failed, God is inviting you with open arms of love to turn to Him, receive His forgiveness and love. There is nothing more fulfilling or rewarding than feeling the love of God.
No matter how much human affection you receive there will always be something missing, there will always be a longing for something more without the love of God. God’s love is truly the only thing that fully satisfies our hearts deeply. When we encounter and feel God’s love for ourselves then our hearts are full and able to pour out His love to others more freely. I believe God wants to give us assurance of His love and He wants our identity to be in Christ and to know that we are loved and accepted by Him. When we look to others for love and acceptance many times we can encounter conditional love and rejection, but when we look to God for His love and acceptance; His love is unconditional and His arms of love are open ready for you to return to Him for acceptance. God is so trustworthy and safe, you can trust your heart to Him. God is so loving, kind and good and you can trust Him completely.
My prayer for you is that you would encounter God’s love in such a powerful way that it is transforming and that you would feel and know God’s acceptance of you. I pray that your heart would be filled with God’s love because this is what you were created for, God’s love.
By: Holly Rotalsky
Wings of Fire International